Visit accompanied by Architect Eugénio Macedo and Engineer Ricardo Carvalho
Maximum 25 people per visit
No reservation required; first-come, first-served
Wheelchair access
Photography allowed
This building is one of the biggest in Porto, it can hold more than 50 thousand supporters, every other week. It abled an urban plan that was postponed due to the recent economical crisis, and an important urban infrastructure arrangement: a highway junction, a shopping centre and a metro station to the oriental side of the city. Hic sunt dracones, (there are dragons here) is a sentence inscribed in old maps to signal unknown territories. Come and get to know the backstage of soccer, while having a peek to a part of Porto that is transforming.
Museu FCP - Via FCP
31Directions: Google Maps / Apple Maps
Public Transport
Bus: STCP 401, 806
Subway: Linhas A, B, C, E e F - Estádio do Dragão